Founder Claudia Restrepo shared her story of the Legacy Group and how she decided to create it. Here’s what she had to say.

The Legacy Group has been around for 12 years now, and today we’re interviewing our founder, Claudio Restrepo. Join us as she shares stories about the history of the Legacy Group, her life, and much more.

Claudia was an agent with Keller Williams, and she owned her own flower business when she lived in Columbia. In America, she always knew she wanted to have her own real estate team. Claudia had heard that “nobody succeeds alone,” which led to her beginning the Legacy Group on November 2, 2007.

Spokane, Washington, is a long way from Columbia, but Claudia had decided she wanted to take her flower business to the United States. She didn’t know any English, so she looked into universities where she could learn and settled on a place in Washington. She thought her destination was Washington D.C. and not the state of Washington, but she soon discovered her mistake. Regardless, she rolled with the punches.

No matter where she has worked, Claudia has always sought to transform the lives of others. Each day, she takes advantage of the various ways she can help those around her. Her mother is also a business owner, and she instilled Claudia with a great work ethic and the ability to get through difficult times. Underlying all of this, Claudia has always understood her motivations and why she focuses on the things she does.

“No matter where she has worked, Claudia has always sought to transform the lives of others.”

To those who are looking to be successful, Claudia’s advice is to work on your mindset. She believes that if you think something is too hard, then you’ll believe it. Basically, she says your mind dictates your actions. She suggests meditating, working on affirmations, surrounding yourself with like-minded people, and finding your motivations.

Claudia got the ball rolling for all of us, and the Legacy Group has become a thriving team because of her efforts. Like Claudia, we are always looking to help people and make their dreams of homeownership possible. If you have any questions about real estate or would like to learn more, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.